Stainless steel electric heating rod (electric heating tube) is a metal tube as the shell, and spiral electric heating alloy wires (nickel-chromium, iron-chromium alloy) are uniformly distributed along the central axis of the tube. The gaps are filled and compacted with magnesium oxide powder with good insulation and thermal conductivity. Both ends are sealed with silica gel or ceramics. Gellir defnyddio'r elfen gwresogi trydan arfog metel hon yn helaeth ar gyfer gwresogi dŵr, olew, aer, toddiant nitrad, toddiant asid, toddiant alcali a metelau pwynt toddi isel (alwminiwm, sinc, tun, aloi babbitt), mae ganddo fanteision effeithlonrwydd gwresogi da , tymheredd unffurf, ymwrthedd tymheredd uchel, ymwrthedd cyrydiad, a pherfformiad diogelwch da.